CS7333 Communication Network Analysis and SystemInstructor: Prof. Zhenzhe Zheng, zhengzhenzhe@sjtu.edu.cn Office Hours: 3:00-4:00 Tue, 3-509 SEIEE. Website: https:zhengzhenzhe220.github.io/CS7333index.html Course Meeting Times: 18:00-20:20 Monday (Weeks 1-16) (陈瑞球楼 430). Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of optimization, probability and linear systems or consent of instructor. Credit: 3 DescriptionThe goal of this class is to develop understanding of some fundamental techniques used to model and analyze communication networks: Performance analysis and design of multiple-user communication systems; emphasis on rigorous formulation and analytical and computational methods, includes queuing networks, decentralized minimum delay routing, and dynamic network flow control. These analytical tools are used to analyze the performance of various networks. More importantly, understanding this material can help one to develop intuition about some of the important issues in networking and provide the background needed to do research in this field. Intended AudienceThe course is geared towards computer science students who would like to have an in-depth understanding of modern communication networks for computer and computing, know more about fundamental issues, engineering tradeoffs. Grading
Topics (as time permits):Analysis Part:
System Part